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Creating/changing your character

1. You create your jockey at the very beginning of the game, once you download Blazing Silks app. You will be able to change jockey later as well.

2. A screen with all available characters pops up and you choose the face and gender appealing to you the most. You can look through all available characters by clicking the golden arrows on the right and left sides of the screen. When you chose your character, simply click at it.

3. When you chose the character, you see Choose Silk Pattern screen. You can look through variety of different Silk Patterns by clicking the golden arrows on the right and left sides of the screen. Click on the most likable one and click Next button.

4. When you chose Silk Pattern, you see Choose Colors screen. Please choose colors you like from the pallet of colors and click “Finish” button. Your Jockey has been created!

5. To change your Jockey, you need to go to the Settings menu. Click “My Horse” tab, select a gear icon on a menu bar in the middle of the game screen.

6. Click the “Change” button under your jockey’s image and go through the same step as in Creating Jockey guidance.